Tuesday 31 July 2012

What I Am Doing This Week :-)

At my school I am doing a project on Peace and Conflict where I am looking at Freshwater and U.
This week we have been measuring how much fresh water we use at home. Everyone has to fill in a chart whenever they use freshwater.
I am also reading the rain gauge (no rain yet) and the water meter at the front of the house.
At the end of this week I will know how much water we use at home and hopefully we can find ways to reduce our use.
Water is important to everyone on Earth and I have discovered that Australia is the second highest user of freshwater per person in the word. We use on average 500 litres per person while Ethiopians use about 20 litres per person.

I found some interesting quotes as well

"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."       Benjamin Franklin 1746

"Filthy water cannot be washed." West African Proverb

"Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes - one for peace and one for science."      John F. Kennedy

Thank you for reading my Blog................................

Saturday 28 July 2012

Things I learnt about Fresh water this week

1. The United Nations are celebrating The International Year of Water Cooperation in 2013.

2. We prepared charts to measure Fresh Water usage in our home

Some Interesting Facts

Did you know that it takes ............................
- 2000 litres of water to make one hamburger.
- 70 litres for 1 egg
- 21000 litres to produce 1 kilogram of coffee beans, (Do you drink too much coffee??)

Wednesday 25 July 2012

First Blog

I have just set up my fresh water blog.
I am going to put lots of great information and tips about fresh water usage.
So come back real soon to start following me!